find the surface area and volume of the right circular cylinder. The radius is 3 and height 6.

This is what I put for volume:
pi(3cm)^2 6 cm=
54pi cm cubed
can you please check this and show work on how to do the surface area?

The volume of a cone is (1/3) pi r^2 h

You forgot the 1/3 factor in that formula.

The area of the side of a cone is
A = pi c^2*(r/c) = pi*r*c

where c is the slant height.

For the total cone area, you must add the bottom, pi r^2.

the question was about a cylinder not a cone which is a different formula. thanks.


To calculate the volume of a right circular cylinder, you correctly used the formula V = πr²h, where V represents the volume, π is the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14159), r is the radius of the base, and h is the height.

In your case, the radius (r) is 3 cm and the height (h) is 6 cm. Plugging these values into the formula:

V = π(3 cm)²(6 cm)
= π(9 cm²)(6 cm)
= 54π cm³

Hence, your calculation for the volume is correct, and the volume of the right circular cylinder with a radius of 3 cm and a height of 6 cm is 54π cm³.

To calculate the surface area of a right circular cylinder, you need to consider the areas of the two bases and the lateral surface area.

The formula for the surface area (A) of a right circular cylinder is A = 2πrh + 2πr², where A represents the surface area, π is the mathematical constant pi, r is the radius of the base, and h is the height.

To find the surface area of your cylinder with a radius of 3 cm and a height of 6 cm, plug these values into the formula:

A = 2π(3 cm)(6 cm) + 2π(3 cm)²
= 2π(18 cm²) + 2π(9 cm²)
= 36π cm² + 18π cm²
= 54π cm²

Therefore, the surface area of the right circular cylinder is 54π cm².