I have a project and in my instructions it states:

* Have a broad area of art selected for your project, for example, architecture, sculpture, film, video art, installation art, performance art, painting, drawing, photography, or Internet art.

* Within your chosen artistic medium, begin to think about one theme you want to research, such as Mexican fresco paintings or Buddhist sculpture.

My question is, are greek or italian scupltures an appropriate selection?

Yes. Either of those would be appropriate. You should limit your topic to a particular time period -- like ancient or Renaissance.

Your broad area, then, would be sculpture.

Next, you'd need to think of a theme that runs through all of whatever type of sculpture you choose. For example, here are a couple of websites to get you started if you choose ancient Greek sculpture:



You can conduct a similar search. Go to www.google.com and enter themes in italian sculpture or themes in ancient Roman sculpture -- read widely.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Another fascinating topic might be ancient Greek vase painting -- but I don't know if that's too specific for your assignment.


As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some guidance on whether Greek or Italian sculptures would be appropriate for your project.

Greek and Italian sculptures can be excellent selections for your project, as both have a rich history and significant contributions to the world of art. Greek sculpture is known for its idealized representations of the human form and its influence on later Western art. Italian sculpture, on the other hand, has a long tradition dating back to ancient Rome, with famous works from renowned artists like Michelangelo.

To determine whether Greek or Italian sculptures are appropriate for your project, you should consider a few factors:

1. Relevance to your chosen artistic medium: Greek and Italian sculptures fall under the broader category of sculpture. If your project allows for sculpture as a medium, both options can be suitable choices.

2. Alignment with your research theme: Remember that the instructions mention selecting a theme for your research. If you can establish a clear link between your chosen theme and either Greek or Italian sculptures, then they would certainly be appropriate selections.

3. Availability of resources: Consider the availability of research materials and resources related to Greek or Italian sculptures. Ensure that you will have access to relevant information and references to support your research.

Ultimately, the appropriateness of your selection will depend on how well you can integrate Greek or Italian sculptures within your chosen artistic medium and research theme. As long as you can make a strong and meaningful connection, either option can be a great choice for your project.