I have to put indicators of measuring development in countries in order of importance they are :- literacy rates

number of people per doctor, gross national product, % of population access to clean water, population density, % people employed in agriculture, % population living in urban areas, population growth rates, infant mortality rates, car ownership. also one of them will not be an indicator of development.

To put indicators of measuring development in countries in order of importance, you should consider the following steps:

1. Understand the indicators: Familiarize yourself with each indicator and their meanings to better assess their relevance to measuring development.

2. Consider the relevance: Think about how effectively each indicator reflects the development of a country. Higher relevance indicates higher importance.

3. Analyze the context: Evaluate the specific context and characteristics of the countries you're assessing. Some indicators may vary in importance depending on the country's specific circumstances.

Based on these considerations, here's a possible ranking of the indicators in order of importance, from most important to least important:

1. Literacy Rates: Education is a fundamental aspect of development, and literacy rates can indicate access to education and human development.

2. Gross National Product (GNP): GNP serves as a measure of a country's economic productivity and overall wealth.

3. % Population Living in Urban Areas: Urbanization is often associated with better access to basic services, employment opportunities, and higher living standards.

4. % Population Access to Clean Water: Access to clean water is a basic necessity for health and well-being, and it reflects the level of infrastructure and public services available.

5. % People Employed in Agriculture: This reflects the level of economic diversification and indicates the transition from an agriculturally-dependent society to a more industrialized one.

6. Infant Mortality Rates: High infant mortality rates suggest inadequate healthcare systems and lack of access to proper medical services.

7. Population Growth Rates: High population growth rates can put strain on resources and can indicate challenges in healthcare, education, and employment.

8. Number of People per Doctor: While access to healthcare is essential, this indicator may vary depending on the specific healthcare system and its efficiency. Nonetheless, it is still relevant but placed lower in the ranking.

9. Car Ownership: Car ownership is less directly linked to development and can be influenced by factors such as income inequalities, urban planning, and personal preferences.

Therefore, car ownership might not be a reliable indicator of development and could be considered the least important in this case.