what looks like a rectangular prism

a box?

A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional shape that has six rectangular faces. It resembles a box or a brick. Some common objects that look like rectangular prisms include:

1. A Rubik's Cube: This puzzle toy consists of 27 smaller cubes, arranged in a 3x3x3 grid, and forms the shape of a rectangular prism.

2. A cereal box: The packaging of many cereal brands is shaped like a rectangular prism, with four vertical rectangular faces for the sides, a rectangular face for the back, and another rectangular face as the base.

3. A book: Most books have a rectangular shape, with a cover forming the front and back faces, and the pages forming the side faces.

4. A shoebox: Shoeboxes typically have a rectangular prism shape, with a removable lid forming one of the rectangular faces.

To determine if an object looks like a rectangular prism, examine its dimensions and check if it has six flat rectangular faces with right angles between them.