what are two facts about Aswan High Dam and its impact on the area and two o

pinions about that would most likely be shared by some residence of the area?

Read carefully, and don't skip the links at the bottom of this webpage:

from http://www.google.com/search?q=Aswan+High+Dam&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
(other websites to check out, too)

Two facts about the Aswan High Dam and its impact on the area are:

1. Fact: The Aswan High Dam is located on the Nile River in Egypt and was completed in 1970. It is one of the largest dams in the world, standing at a height of 111 meters and a length of 3,830 meters.

2. Fact: The dam has had a significant impact on the area by providing a stable supply of water, controlling flooding, generating electricity, and facilitating irrigation for both agricultural and residential purposes.

As for two opinions that would most likely be shared by some residents of the area:

1. Opinion: Positive perspective - Many people living in the area likely appreciate the Aswan High Dam for the benefits it brings to their daily lives. They might view it as a symbol of progress and development, as it provides a reliable source of energy, water supply, and irrigation opportunities, which are crucial for farming and livelihoods.

2. Opinion: Negative perspective - On the other hand, some residents may have concerns about drawbacks of the dam. For instance, there could be concerns related to the displacement of communities due to flooding caused by the dam's creation. Additionally, the dam could be seen as altering the natural flow of the Nile River, impacting ecosystems and potentially leading to a decrease in agricultural productivity downstream.

It's important to note that these opinions may vary, and different individuals within the area may hold different views based on their own experiences and perspectives.