When Rachel divides her favorite number by 7, she gets a remainder of 5. What will the remainder be if she multiplies her favorite number by 5 and then divides by 7?





To answer this question, we can use the concept of remainders. Let's go step by step.

When Rachel divides her favorite number by 7, she gets a remainder of 5. This means her favorite number can be represented as 7x + 5, where x is any positive integer.

Now, we need to find the remainder when Rachel multiplies her favorite number by 5 and then divides by 7. Let's represent her favorite number by 7x + 5.

5(7x + 5) / 7

Expanding the expression:

35x + 25 / 7

When we divide 35x by 7, we get 5x without any remainder. So, our expression becomes:

5x + 25 / 7

Finally, when we divide 25 by 7, we get a remainder of 4. Therefore, the remainder will be 4 when Rachel multiplies her favorite number by 5 and then divides by 7.