Okay Maybe I didn't fully explain what exactly I needed the first time ... Heres the question again.

INeed examples of topics dealing with 2 Economic Concepts....

Meaning .. Like Gas prices .. deals with supply and demand along with goods and services.

By what I mean topics .. I mean anything that has to do with economics in general ... anything going on in the news the world ... period.

With the concepts... I mean anything that deals with any concept that is covered in economics....

It can be any two concepts .. globalization....trade offs or whatever ...

I just Need to find 3 articles that deals with any concept that is covered in economics..... I then have to write an abstract ( summary) of the articles , then state how the article relates to at least 2 concepts of economics.

That is my Task ... Basically All i need is help on picking topics and what two concepts goes with it .. as in
Gas Prices...
Suv decline...
Global warming...
Anything the sky is the limit .. just help with the topic and concept and I can find the articles on my Own .. Thanks

Sure! I can help you come up with topics and concepts that you can explore for your task. Here are a few examples:

1. Topic: Automation in the Workplace
Concepts: Productivity and Unemployment
Explanation: You can explore how advancements in technology, such as automation and artificial intelligence, are affecting productivity levels in different industries. Additionally, you can analyze the potential impact of automation on employment rates and discuss the concept of structural unemployment.

2. Topic: Income Inequality
Concepts: Distribution of Wealth and Poverty
Explanation: You can examine the issue of income inequality by analyzing the distribution of wealth in society. This includes looking at factors such as tax policies, social welfare programs, and economic mobility. You can discuss how income inequality relates to the concept of poverty and its implications for social and economic well-being.

3. Topic: Climate Change and Carbon Pricing
Concepts: Externalities and Market Failure
Explanation: You can explore the economic concepts of externalities and market failure by focusing on climate change and carbon pricing. Analyze the negative externalities associated with greenhouse gas emissions and discuss how market-based solutions, such as carbon pricing mechanisms, can address this issue. This topic also provides an opportunity to delve into the concept of sustainability.

Remember, these are just examples to get you started. You can choose any topics that interest you or are relevant to current economic issues. Once you have identified your specific topics, you can search for articles that discuss these concepts in relation to the chosen topics.