The bus driver's manager wants to know the average speed at which the driver was actually driving the bus that day while he was on the road. DON'T include the rest stops.

A bus driver runs a round trip route between 3 cities. It takes 5 hrs for the 400 km trip to the first city. Reloading the bus takes 30 minutes. On the road again, it takes 3 hrs 15 min to get to the second city, which is 220 km away. After a 1 1/4 hr supper, he drives back to his home city which is 280 km away in 4 hrs. What average speed did he have for the day's drive?

Add distances together.

Add times together.
average rate = total distance/total time. The problem says not to count the time not driving.

What is the average speed for 913.15?

A. 69.6km/h
B. 73.5km/h
C. 75 km/h
D. 76.5km/h

What is the average speed for 913.15?

A. 69.6km/h
B. 73.5km/h
C. 75 km/h
D. 76.5km/h

Average speed for 913.5 WHAT? And is there more to the problem than that or it an extension of the first problem? If so, how?

To calculate the average speed of the bus driver for the day's drive, we need to find the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled. The bus driver goes from the home city to the first city (400 km), then from the first city to the second city (220 km), and finally back to the home city (280 km). The total distance is:

400 km + 220 km + 280 km = 900 km

Now, let's calculate the total time taken. The bus driver spends 5 hours driving to the first city, 30 minutes reloading the bus, 3 hours and 15 minutes driving to the second city, 1 hour and 15 minutes for supper, and 4 hours driving back to the home city. Let's convert the time to hours for consistency:

5 hours + (30 minutes / 60) hours + 3 hours + (15 minutes / 60) hours + 1.25 hours + 4 hours = 13.75 hours

Now that we have both the total distance (900 km) and the total time taken (13.75 hours), we can calculate the average speed:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 900 km / 13.75 hours

Dividing 900 by 13.75 gives us an average speed of approximately 65.45 km/h.

Therefore, the bus driver's average speed for the day's drive, excluding the rest stops, is approximately 65.45 km/h.