how does anna feel about what is happening to her family from the play Thunder on Sycamore Street

To truly understand how Anna feels about what is happening to her family in the play "Thunder on Sycamore Street," you would need to read or watch the play. However, I can provide you with some tips on how to analyze a character's feelings and emotions.

1. Read the text: Start by carefully reading the play and paying attention to any dialogue, stage directions, or soliloquies that reveal Anna's thoughts and feelings. Look for clues about her emotions in her interactions with other characters and in her own reflections.

2. Observe actions and expressions: Consider Anna's actions and expressions throughout the play. Body language, gestures, and facial expressions can provide insight into her emotions. Note any changes in her behavior or reactions to events happening to her family.

3. Analyze relationships: Examine Anna's relationships with other characters in the play. Is she supportive, concerned, or distant? The way she interacts with her family members, friends, or other significant characters could reflect her feelings about what is happening.

4. Look for theme and conflict: Consider the themes and conflicts presented in the play, and how they may impact Anna's emotions. Is she directly involved in the conflicts, or does she observe them from a distance? Understanding the broader themes can give you a better understanding of Anna's feelings.

5. Seek the perspective of other characters: Pay attention to how other characters in the play perceive Anna's emotions. Do they comment on it or react to her feelings? Their observations can provide additional insight into her emotional state.

Remember, analyzing a character's emotions in a play requires careful reading and interpretation of the text, as well as considering the context and dynamics of the story.