At the National Zoo, 12 out of 25 exhibits contain a mammal. Assuming that there are 375 exhibits, how many many are mammals?

A) 11
B) 32
C) 132
D) 300

Here is what I am doing:

12/25 = x/375

375 * (12/25) = (x/375) * 375

180 = x

But 180 isn't an option

I got 180 also.

Also -- 12/25 is almost 1/2. Half of 375 = 187.5 -- which makes 180 a logical answer. Since none of your choices comes close -- it's possible that the question contains an error.

To find the number of exhibits that are mammals at the National Zoo, you need to set up a proportion using the ratio of exhibits with mammals to the total number of exhibits.

Let's set up the proportion:

Exhibits with Mammals / Total Exhibits = x / 375

Now, plug in the given values:

12 / 25 = x / 375

To solve for x, cross multiply:

25x = 12 * 375

25x = 4500

Now, divide both sides by 25 to isolate x:

x = 4500 / 25

x = 180

Therefore, the correct answer is 180. However, as you mentioned, 180 is not one of the options provided. It seems there might be an error with the options.