I am finding that it is hard to balance the text and graphics without going overboard in cs4? May I have some advise please????

Certainly! Balancing text and graphics in Adobe Photoshop CS4 can be achieved using a few techniques:

1. Typography: Choose fonts that complement the style and tone of your graphics. Consider the hierarchy of your text, such as headings, subheadings, and body text, to create a clear visual structure.

2. White Space: Allow ample white space or negative space around the text and graphics to create a sense of breathing room. This can help prevent overcrowding and make the design appear more balanced.

3. Alignment: Aligning text and graphics along a common vertical or horizontal axis creates visual harmony. Use alignment tools like guides and grids to ensure consistent alignment throughout your design.

4. Contrast: To make your text stand out, ensure there is enough contrast between the text color and the background or graphic elements behind it. Experiment with different color combinations and opacity settings to find the right balance.

5. Proximity: Group related text and graphics together to create visual cohesion. Placing text close to the relevant graphics helps establish a connection between the two and reduces visual clutter.

6. Scale and Proportion: Adjust the size and proportions of your text and graphics to create hierarchy and balance. Important information should be emphasized with larger text or graphics, while less important elements can be scaled down.

7. Test and Iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different arrangements and variations. Test your design on different screens and devices to ensure readability and balance.

To implement these tips in Adobe Photoshop CS4:

1. Use the Text tool to add and format your text.
2. Arrange and resize graphics using the Move and Transform tools.
3. Utilize the Alignment options under the Window menu to align elements precisely.
4. Adjust contrast using the Color and Adjustment tools.
5. Make use of layers to organize and group elements.
6. Use the Zoom tool to examine your design closely.
7. Save and export your design in the appropriate format for your intended use.

Remember, achieving balance is subjective, and it's important to trust your instincts and iterate until you achieve a design that satisfies your goals.