I am doing a small (paragraph) section on the requirements of genetic information and I probably will put some of this in. It can be over anything. Is the below all correct?

It must be an information carrier.
It must be resistant to change.
It must be able to run a cell.
It must be able to replicate.

I think I would add:
It must be able to repair damage (miscopies).
It needs to be able to combine in a way to allow two parents for each new assortment of genetic information.

Ok, I just inquired this to my professor and he said one of my choices is wrong. Ideas? I'm stumped.

the run a cell is a bit off. The DNA does not run a cell directly. THE DNA determines the enzymes and proteins that are in the cell, and they "run" the cell in a manner of speaking.

I think changing the run a cell to something like indirectly determines cellular and life biochemical processes within cells is better.

It seems like you are working on understanding the requirements of genetic information. You have mentioned a few points, and I will help you address the issue with your professor's feedback.

In order to accurately explain the requirements of genetic information, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the concepts. Let's revise your points:

1. An information carrier: This refers to the ability of genetic material to store and transmit hereditary information from one generation to another. The primary molecule responsible for this in most organisms is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).

2. Resistance to change: Genetic information should be stable and resistant to random mutations or changes that could potentially disrupt the functioning of an organism. Although some mutations are beneficial or neutral, excessive genetic changes can be harmful.

3. Ability to replicate: Genetic material must possess the capability to be accurately copied and duplicated before cell division occurs. During replication, the DNA strands separate, and each strand acts as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand.

4. Ability to repair damage: Genetic material may occasionally experience miscopies or damage due to various factors. To maintain the integrity of the genetic code, cells have mechanisms to repair such damage, ensuring accurate transmission of information during replication.

5. Genetic combination: Genetic information needs to be capable of combining during sexual reproduction, allowing for the contribution of genetic material from two parents. This ensures genetic diversity in offspring and plays a vital role in evolution.

Regarding the issue with "run a cell," your professor suggests that the DNA indirectly determines cellular and biochemical processes. This clarification is accurate. DNA acts as a blueprint, providing instructions for the synthesis of proteins and enzymes, which are the molecules responsible for carrying out cellular functions. Therefore, it would be more precise to state that genetic information indirectly determines cellular and biochemical processes within cells.

Considering the feedback from your professor, the revised point would be:

4. Indirectly determines cellular and biochemical processes within cells: Genetic information provides the instructions for the synthesis of proteins and enzymes, which are responsible for controlling the various processes within a cell.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult your professor when in doubt, as they can provide valuable guidance and clarification.