what are two addition problems with the answer of -30

15 - 45 = -30

-10 + (-5) = -30

thank you

You're welcome.

are you seriously in 4th grade and using this website for help? lol i'm a 3rd year college student and i just started to ask for help online

To find two addition problems with an answer of -30, we need to think about numbers that, when added together, give us -30.

1. One possible addition problem is -40 + 10 = -30.
Here, we add -40 to 10, resulting in -30.

2. Another addition problem is -35 + 5 = -30.
In this case, we add -35 to 5, which gives us -30.

To find such addition problems, you can experiment with different combinations of negative and positive numbers that sum up to -30.