what would be your best advice to a person who wants to learn more about political issues?

Watch the news.

Read daily newspapers.
Volunteer for a local political party.
Read weekly news magazines.
Research on the web.

If you want to learn more about political issues, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by understanding the foundational concepts of politics, such as different forms of government, political ideologies, and the role of institutions.

2. Read widely: Follow reputable news sources, opinion pieces, academic articles, and books to gain exposure to various perspectives and stay informed about current events. Look for sources that prioritize factual accuracy, objectivity, and diverse viewpoints.

3. Engage in critical thinking: Analyze the information you consume by questioning and evaluating the arguments presented. Consider biases, evidence, logical fallacies, and conflicting viewpoints to form your own well-informed opinions.

4. Participate in discussions: Engage in discussions with others who have different opinions. This can help broaden your understanding and challenge your own views. As you explore different perspectives, practice active listening, respect, and empathy.

5. Utilize online resources: Take advantage of the vast resources available online, such as reputable political websites, educational platforms, podcasts, and documentaries. Many universities also provide free political science courses through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

6. Explore academic literature: If you're interested in delving deeper, explore scholarly articles, research papers, and books written by political scientists. Topics such as international relations, political theory, public policy, and comparative politics can provide valuable insights.

7. Get involved locally: Engage with political organizations, attend public meetings, participate in local events, and volunteer for community initiatives. These experiences can help you understand the practical implications of political issues and provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals.

Remember, learning about political issues is an ongoing process, so don't expect to become an expert overnight. Stay curious, remain open-minded, constantly challenge your assumptions, and be willing to revise your views as you gain new knowledge and perspectives.