what could be an explanation for why natural selection might favor carnivores whose muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation as well as cellular respiration?

To understand why natural selection might favor carnivores whose muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation alongside cellular respiration, let's break down the explanation step by step:

1. Understanding Lactic Acid Fermentation: Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process that occurs when muscles are performing intense physical activity and cannot obtain enough oxygen to meet their energy demands. In this process, glucose is converted to lactate, producing energy without the need for oxygen.

2. Considering Carnivorous Lifestyles: Carnivores typically have a high-energy lifestyle, which involves bursts of intense physical activity during hunting or chasing prey. Such activities result in a rapid depletion of oxygen in their muscles, which triggers lactic acid fermentation.

3. Advantages of Lactic Acid Fermentation: Lactic acid fermentation provides several advantages for carnivores:

a. Energy Production: Lactic acid fermentation allows muscles to continue producing energy even when oxygen supply is limited, enabling carnivores to maintain strength and endurance during intense activities.

b. Rapid Recovery: After the intense exercise, lactic acid produced during fermentation can be converted back into glucose in the liver through the process of gluconeogenesis. This helps in replenishing energy stores more quickly, facilitating a faster recovery.

c. Tolerance to Low-oxygen Environments: Some carnivores, like big cats or hyenas, often operate in environments where oxygen availability may be restricted, such as dense forests or underwater. By utilizing lactic acid fermentation, they can adapt and thrive in these low-oxygen situations.

4. Consequence for Survival and Reproduction: The ability to efficiently generate energy using lactic acid fermentation alongside cellular respiration can confer a competitive advantage during hunting, fighting for territory, or escaping predators. It allows carnivores to sustain their physical performance, which ultimately increases their chances of survival and successful reproduction.

5. Natural Selection: Over time, carnivores with genetic variations that favor the utilization of lactic acid fermentation alongside cellular respiration are more likely to survive and pass on these genetic traits to their offspring. This preference for individuals with advantageous traits is known as natural selection.

In summary, the combination of lactic acid fermentation and cellular respiration in carnivores allows them to meet their energy demands during intense activities when oxygen supply is limited. The benefits of this strategy help carnivores to excel in physically demanding tasks, increasing their chances of survival and reproductive success, ultimately driving natural selection in their favor.