A retaurant sold a total of 418 largeand small hanburgers during one day. Total hamburger sales were $1077. Large hamburgers sold for $3, and small hamburgers sold for $1.50. Write a system of liner equations can be used to find, l, the numberof large hamburgers sold, and s, the number of small hamburgers sold?



To solve this problem, we can create a system of linear equations using the given information.

Let's denote the number of large hamburgers sold as "l" and the number of small hamburgers sold as "s".

According to the information given:
1. The total number of hamburgers sold is 418:
l + s = 418

2. The price of a large hamburger is $3 and the price of a small hamburger is $1.50:
3l + 1.5s = 1077

These two equations form a system of linear equations that can be used to solve for the unknowns "l" and "s".