Identify the word in bold type.

Do you know someone who can fix a lamp?

A)demonstrative pronoun
B)indefinite pronoun
C)interrogative pronoun
D)relative pronoun
E)not a pronoun

It's an indefinite prounoun

There is not a word in bold type.

sorry its someone

Someone should be in bold type.

Based on the question, we are asked to identify the word in bold type. Let's look at the sentence:

"Do you know someone who can fix a lamp?"

The word in bold type is "who."

To identify the part of speech of this word, we need to consider how it is being used in the sentence. In this case, "who" is used as a pronoun to refer to a person.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

A) Demonstrative pronoun - Demonstrative pronouns are words like "this," "that," "these," and "those" that are used to point to specific objects or people. "Who" is not a demonstrative pronoun.

B) Indefinite pronoun - Indefinite pronouns are words like "someone," "anybody," "everything," etc., that refer to non-specific people or things. "Who" is not an indefinite pronoun.

C) Interrogative pronoun - Interrogative pronouns are pronouns used to ask questions, such as "who," "what," "which," etc. "Who" is an interrogative pronoun.

D) Relative pronoun - Relative pronouns connect a subordinate clause to a main clause. Examples include "who," "whom," "which," etc. "Who" is a relative pronoun.

E) Not a pronoun - "Who" is indeed a pronoun, so it is not "not a pronoun."

Based on the analysis, the word "who" in the given sentence is an interrogative pronoun. Therefore, the correct answer is C) interrogative pronoun.