Here is the question I have to answer. Find the area of the specified figure. Show how you can use the formula for area to find the answer. I know you can't see the graph but can you direct me in the right direction of solving these. I don't know if there a formula you use or not.

Is the formula in this list?

To find the area of a figure, you need to know the specific shape of the figure. Different shapes have different formulas to calculate their areas. Here are a few common shapes and their respective area formulas:

1. Square: The area of a square is calculated by multiplying the lengths of its sides. The formula is A = s^2, where A represents the area and s represents the length of one side.

2. Rectangle: The area of a rectangle is also found by multiplying the lengths of its sides. The formula is A = l × w, where A represents the area, l represents the length, and w represents the width.

3. Triangle: The area of a triangle is determined by multiplying the base length by the height and dividing the result by 2. The formula is A = (b × h) / 2, where A represents the area, b represents the base length, and h represents the height.

4. Circle: The area of a circle is calculated by multiplying the square of its radius by π (pi), which is approximately 3.14159. The formula is A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other shapes with their own area formulas. Without knowing the specific figure you are referring to, it is not possible to provide a precise formula to find its area. However, if you can provide more specific information or if you have a question about a particular shape, I would be happy to guide you further.