If a bottle and a stopper costs $1.10. How much does the stopper cost?

We know that you are Bob

The stopper costs 1.10-whatever the bottle costs. Is that all the info you have?

To find out how much the stopper costs, we can use algebra. Let's assume the cost of the stopper is represented by the variable "x."

The given information states that the bottle and stopper together cost $1.10. So, we can set up an equation:

Bottle cost + Stopper cost = $1.10

Since the bottle cost is not specified, we can represent it using another variable, such as "y." This gives us:

y + x = $1.10

Now, to isolate the value of the stopper (x), we need to get rid of the bottle cost (y). If we subtract "y" from both sides of the equation, we have:

x = $1.10 - y

However, since there is no information provided about the cost of the bottle, we cannot determine the exact cost of the stopper.