find, to the nearest minute, the angle whose measure is 3.45 radians.

i know the is 197º40’

but i want to know how you get the answer...
some one plz help...

first use the formula 180/pi to go from radians to degrees, simplified you get 197.6704393, now multiply the decimal by 60 (because there are 60 minutes in an hour, get it??)and you get 40.226358, to the nearest minute its 40 so all together 197 degrees, 40 minutes. is studying for the Algebra2 trigonometry regents ruining any one elses life?!?!

3sina+5cosa=5 than 3cosa-5sina power2 of please answer

To find the angle in degrees whose measure is 3.45 radians, you can use the conversion factor:

1 radian = 180 degrees / π

First, plug in the value of 3.45 radians into the formula:

3.45 radians * (180 degrees / π radians) ≈ 197.36 degrees

So, the angle, to the nearest minute, whose measure is 3.45 radians is approximately 197.36 degrees.