when an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that's left behind is? A)attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source. B)incapable of carrying a charge. C)attracted to the anode of the voltage source. D)considered an impurity in the crystal.

The electron leaving leaves a net + charge, which is attracted to the negative terminal..


the hole that is left behind is attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source. so the answer is A.




Including a full-wave rectifier in an AC circuit will yield a(n) _______ current

Correct answer: C) attracted to the anode of the voltage source.

Explanation: When an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, it leaves behind a hole. A hole is essentially a missing electron in the valence band. The hole behaves as a positive charge carrier and is attracted to the positive terminal of the voltage source, which is the anode. Therefore, the correct answer is C) attracted to the anode of the voltage source.