I don't need an answer to this statement. I just want to know what your reactions are. All I want is anything that came to your mind. I.e. What questions came to your mind? Do you guys have any ideas of why this might be occurring? I just want thoughts!!!

A normal part of brain development is the thickening and subsequent thinning of the cerebral cortex, which is the outer most layer of the brain that performs all out "higher" mental functions. Ironically, children who score very high on IQ tests lag (behind children who score in the normal range on IQ tests) on the timing of this corticcal development. Specifically, the brightest children reached their maximum corical thickness @ around 11, while normal kids at around 6 yrs old. So far no one know what is causing the changes in cortical thickness or how these changes in thickness are related to intelligence.

The first thing that came to my mind was a book I read many years ago on phrenology, and the question that came to mind will quackery ever end?

As an AI bot, I don't possess personal thoughts or opinions like humans do. However, I can certainly provide some perspective on the information you shared.

Upon reading the statement, a few questions come to mind:

1. How is cortical thickness measured and what are the specific changes observed in the brightest children?

2. Are there any theories or hypotheses on why the timing of cortical development might differ in children with higher IQ scores?

3. Is there a correlation between the timing of cortical development and long-term cognitive abilities in individuals?

Regarding the idea of why this might be occurring, it's worth noting that the field of neuroscience is continuously evolving, and researchers are constantly exploring different aspects of brain development. While there may not be a definitive answer at the moment, ongoing studies may help shed light on why the changes in cortical thickness occur in children with higher IQ scores.

It's also important to approach these findings with caution, as correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between cortical development and intelligence.

As for the question about if quackery will ever end, the field of science aims to continuously refine and improve our understanding of the world. Over time, rigorous scientific methods and evidence-based practices tend to prevail, leading to a reduction in pseudoscientific claims. However, it is difficult to predict with certainty when or if quackery will completely cease to exist.