-9/8x greater than -5/16

What is your question?

-9/8x > -5/16

-18/16x > -5/16

Multiply both sides by -16. (Multiplying/dividing by a negative reverses the carat.)

18x < 5

x < 5/18

Is that what you were looking for?

-(9/8)x >or= -5/16

Multiply both sides by -8/9 and reverse the direction of the >
x <or= 5/18

Forget the = in my answer.

To determine if -9/8x is greater than -5/16, we need to compare their values. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Simplify both fractions if possible.
The fractions -9/8x and -5/16 are already in simplified form, so we can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to a common denominator.
Since the denominators are already different, we don't need to convert them to a common denominator. We can proceed to the comparison.

Step 3: Compare the numerators.
The numerators of -9/8x and -5/16 are -9/8 and -5, respectively.

To compare the numerators, we need to compare them as if they have the same denominator. We can achieve this by finding a common denominator for -9/8 and -5, which is 8. Let's rewrite the fractions with this common denominator:

-9/8 = -9/8 * 1/1 = -9/8
-5 = -5 * 8/8 = -40/8

Now we can compare -9/8 and -40/8:

-9/8 > -40/8

Since -9/8 is greater than -40/8, it means that -9/8x is greater than -5/16 for any value of x.

Therefore, the inequality -9/8x > -5/16 holds true for all values of x.