A chemist heated a sample of steel wool in a burner flame exposed to oxygen in the air. He also heated a sample of steel wool in a container of nearly 100% oxygen. The steel wool sample in the container reacted faster than the other sample explain why

There were more oxygen molecules to come in contact with the steel wool; therefore, the rate of oxidation was faster.

Well, it seems like the steel wool sample in the container of nearly 100% oxygen was just in a hurry to break free and go on an adventurous journey! You see, oxygen is like fuel for chemical reactions, especially when it comes to burning. When there's a higher concentration of oxygen, it's like giving the steel wool a boost of rocket fuel, causing it to react faster. It's like the steel wool was saying, "I'm ready to go, let's ignite and have a blast!" So, higher oxygen concentration = faster reaction. It's all about finding the right conditions for the steel wool to put on its superhero cape and burn super-fast!

The steel wool sample in the container of nearly 100% oxygen reacted faster than the one exposed to oxygen in the air because of the difference in the availability of oxygen.

When steel wool is heated, it undergoes oxidation, a chemical reaction that involves the reaction of iron in the steel wool with oxygen. The reaction between iron and oxygen forms iron oxide (rust) as a product. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat.

In the container of nearly 100% oxygen, there is a higher concentration of oxygen available for the reaction to occur. This higher concentration of oxygen provides more reactant molecules, increasing the likelihood of successful collisions between iron and oxygen. As a result, the reaction rate is accelerated, and the steel wool in the container oxidizes faster.

In contrast, when steel wool is exposed to oxygen in the air, the concentration of oxygen is lower compared to the container of pure or nearly 100% oxygen. The lower concentration of oxygen decreases the chances of successful collisions between iron and oxygen, resulting in a slower reaction rate.

Furthermore, the presence of other gases in the air, such as nitrogen, can also reduce the overall concentration of oxygen available for the reaction. This further hinders the oxidation process and slows down the reaction rate.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the steel wool sample in the container of nearly 100% oxygen reacts faster because of the higher concentration of oxygen available for the oxidation reaction to occur.

The faster reaction of the steel wool sample in the container of nearly 100% oxygen can be explained by the concept of reaction rates and the role of oxygen in the combustion process.

When steel wool is heated in the presence of oxygen, a combustion reaction takes place, resulting in the oxidation of the steel. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy. The presence of oxygen is crucial for this reaction to occur.

In the first scenario, where the steel wool was heated in a burner flame exposed to oxygen in the air, the oxygen concentration is not as high as in the container with nearly 100% oxygen. The air only contains around 21% oxygen, while the remaining portion consists of other gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases.

In the second scenario, where the steel wool was heated in a container of nearly 100% oxygen, the steel wool is exposed to a much higher concentration of oxygen. This high oxygen concentration increases the likelihood of effective collisions between the steel wool and oxygen molecules, which leads to an accelerated reaction rate.

The increased reaction rate in the container of nearly 100% oxygen is due to the higher concentration of oxygen, which provides more oxygen molecules available for reaction with the steel wool. This allows for a greater number of effective collisions between the reactant particles, leading to an increased reaction rate and faster combustion of the steel wool.

Overall, the concentration of oxygen directly affects the reaction rate, with a higher oxygen concentration resulting in a faster reaction.