Identify the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.

a)The crowd was yelling, "De-fense, de-fense."
b)The crowd were yelling, "De-fense, de-fense."
c)The crowd are yelling, “De-fense, de-fense.”
d)The crowd yelling, “De-fense, de-fense.”

I think it is a but im still not sure.

Absolutely right.

You are correct! The sentence with correct subject-verb agreement is option a) "The crowd was yelling, 'De-fense, de-fense.'"

To determine subject-verb agreement, it is important to ensure that the subject (in this case, "crowd") and the verb (in this case, "yelling") agree in number. In this sentence, the singular subject "crowd" matches with the singular verb form "was yelling." This maintains grammatical consistency and subject-verb agreement.

Options b) and c) are incorrect because they use the plural form "were" and "are." The subject "crowd" is singular, so it should take the singular verb form.

Option d) is also incorrect because there is no verb agreement between the subject "crowd" and the missing verb. It is important for both the subject and verb to be present and for their forms to match.