Can you check the grammar in the following sentences, please?

1)The narrator is a voice which (or who?) talks about the story (or who tells the events in a story?)
2) An omniscient third-person narrator can be either obtrusive or unobtrusive, depending on (?) whether he interfers in the story or not.
3) An assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sounds in neighboring words.
4)A narrator can be internal to (?) the story or external. A third-person narrator is usually omnscient, that is he knows everything about the characters and what happens to them.

1. The narrator is the voice or character who tells the story.

2. Fine; delete the question mark.

3. Delete "An"

4. Delete the question mark; fix the run-on after "omniscient."

1) The first sentence can be corrected as follows: "The narrator is a voice that talks about the story or tells the events in a story." In this case, "that" is more appropriate to refer to a voice.

2) The second sentence can be corrected as follows: "An omniscient third-person narrator can be either obtrusive or unobtrusive, depending on whether he interferes in the story or not." In this case, "interferes" is the correct verb form to use in this context.

3) The third sentence looks fine as it is.

4) The last sentence can be corrected as follows: "A narrator can be internal to the story or external. A third-person narrator is usually omniscient, meaning they know everything about the characters and what happens to them." In this case, "internal to the story" is a better way to express the idea. Additionally, using "meaning" instead of "that is" helps to clarify the connection between the statements.

Note: Grammar can sometimes be subjective, and alternative corrections may be possible. The given corrections aim to improve clarity and grammatical accuracy based on the context of the sentences.