What is the source of the papin and bromelain found in commercial meat tenderizer preperations?

The source of the enzymes papain and bromelain found in commercial meat tenderizer preparations can vary depending on the brand and product. However, I can explain how you can find this information.

To determine the source of the papain and bromelain in a particular commercial meat tenderizer, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the product label: Look for an ingredients list on the packaging of the meat tenderizer product. It should provide a breakdown of all the ingredients used, including any enzymes such as papain and bromelain.

2. Look for specific enzyme sources: Check if the label specifies the source of the enzymes. It might mention whether the papain is derived from papaya or the bromelain is derived from pineapple or another source. This information can clarify where the enzymes are obtained.

3. Check the manufacturer's website: If the product label does not provide enough information about the enzyme sources, you can visit the manufacturer's website. They might offer more details about the specific sources of papain and bromelain they use in their meat tenderizer products.

4. Contact the manufacturer: If the label and website do not provide the desired information, you can reach out to the manufacturer directly. Many companies have customer service departments that can answer inquiries about their products, including the origin of specific ingredients.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the source of the papain and bromelain in commercial meat tenderizer preparations.