give the IUPAc name for this compound?
is it 4-methyl-4-tert-methyloctane?

Spacing is a problem on the internet so it is almost impossible to write structural formulas.

To determine the IUPAC name for the given compound, we need to follow the guidelines of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature.

Start by identifying the longest continuous carbon chain. In this case, the longest chain is the one with eight carbon atoms.

Next, identify the substituents attached to the main chain. In this compound, we have three methyl groups attached to the second carbon atom in the main chain, which is correctly designated as 2,2,2-trimethyl.

Finally, determine the name of the alkane based on the number of carbon atoms in the main chain. The name for an eight-carbon alkane is octane.

Putting it all together, the IUPAC name for the given compound is 2,2,2-trimethyl octane (notice that the tert prefix is not necessary).