1)Give 2 examples in which negative numbers can be used in describing a measurement or an event.

2)Write each rational number in the form, A/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0.
example A: 0.7 ________

Sorry don't get the above

2) 7/10

1) Acceleration when braking.
Time before starting.

how to write -29 in a/b form

1) Negative numbers can be used in various scenarios to describe measurements or events. Two examples are:

- Temperature: Negative numbers are commonly used in measuring temperature, especially in regions that experience below zero temperatures. For instance, a temperature of -10 degrees Celsius describes a lower temperature than 0 degrees Celsius, indicating a colder condition.

- Debt or Financial Transactions: Negative numbers are used to represent debts or financial losses. For example, if someone owes $50, it can be represented as -$50, indicating a negative balance or amount owed.

2) To write a rational number in the form A/b, where A and b are integers and b is not equal to 0, you need to convert the given decimal into a fraction. Let's take the example you provided:

Example A: 0.7

To convert 0.7 into a fraction, you need to determine its decimal place value. Here, 0.7 has one decimal place, which means it can be written as 7/10 (since the decimal is in the tenths place).

Therefore, the rational number 0.7 can be written as 7/10.