el ______ esta en la calle cortes.

can someone give me a list of all the dierctions translated?

First of all, with Spanish you still need proper punctuation:

El camión está en la calle Cortés.

Now, what do you mean exactly for directions?

up = arriba
down = abajo
to the left = a la izquierda
to the right = a la derecha
straight ahead = derecho

Is THAT what you mean?


yes! thank you.

what about there, far away, here, and close or near.

Certainly! To get a list of all the directions translated, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a reliable translation tool or website such as Google Translate, DeepL, or WordReference.

2. Type in the provided sentence, "el ______ esta en la calle cortes," leaving the blank space for the direction you want to translate.

3. Select the language you want to translate the sentence into. Let's assume you want to translate the sentence into English.

4. Click the translate button or press enter to see the translated result.

By following these steps, you will get the translation of the given sentence into your desired language. Repeat the process by replacing the blank space with different directions to get their translations.