An arrow is shot from the top of a building (height of 30 meters). The arrow travels 100 meters in the horizontal direction from the base of the building to the point where it hits the ground in 4 seconds. Find the angle of release, actual velocity at release, and maximum height of the arrow.

Also, I found horizontal velocity = 25m/s, but I don't know where to go from there.

To find the angle of release, actual velocity at release, and maximum height of the arrow, we can use the principles of projectile motion.

First, let's find the angle of release:

1. The vertical motion of the arrow can be described by the equation: h = v₀y * t - 0.5 * g * t²
where h is the height, v₀y is the vertical component of the initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²), and t is time.

Since the arrow starts and ends at the same height(h), we can set h = 30 meters and solve for t.

30 = v₀y * 4 - 0.5 * 9.8 * 4²
30 = 4v₀y - 78.4
4v₀y = 30 + 78.4
4v₀y = 108.4
v₀y = 108.4 / 4
v₀y = 27.1 m/s

2. The horizontal motion of the arrow can be described by the equation: x = v₀x * t
where x is the horizontal displacement, v₀x is the horizontal component of the initial velocity, and t is time.

We know that the horizontal displacement is 100 meters, and the time is 4 seconds.

100 = v₀x * 4
v₀x = 100 / 4
v₀x = 25 m/s

Knowing the values of v₀x and v₀y, we can calculate the magnitude of the initial velocity and the angle of release:

The magnitude of the initial velocity (v₀) can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:
v₀ = √(v₀x² + v₀y²)
v₀ = √(25² + 27.1²)
v₀ ≈ 36.4 m/s

The angle of release (θ) can be found using the inverse tangent function:
θ = arctan(v₀y / v₀x)
θ = arctan(27.1 / 25)
θ ≈ 47.5 degrees

Now, let's find the maximum height of the arrow:

3. The maximum height (h_max) can be found using the equation for vertical motion:
h_max = (v₀y)² / (2 * g)
h_max = (27.1)² / (2 * 9.8)
h_max ≈ 37.2 meters

So, the angle of release is approximately 47.5 degrees, the actual velocity at release is approximately 36.4 m/s, and the maximum height of the arrow is approximately 37.2 meters.