music is generally associated with nonmusical ideas and objects

a. character
b. program
c. recital
d. literary

i think the answer is d. literary

This question from your Penn Foster exam doesn't make much sense to me.

Nor me.

The correct answer would be d. literary.

To arrive at the answer, let's analyze the question and the given options. The question states that music is generally associated with "nonmusical ideas and objects." We need to select the option that best fits this description.

a. character: While music can be associated with characters in certain contexts, this option does not capture the idea of music being associated with nonmusical ideas or objects.

b. program: Similarly, while music can be part of a program (such as a concert program), this option does not specifically address the association of music with nonmusical ideas or objects.

c. recital: A recital is a performance or a presentation of music, usually by an individual or a small group. While music can be part of a recital, this option does not specifically refer to the association of music with nonmusical ideas or objects.

d. literary: In literature, music is frequently used as a metaphor or a symbol to represent various nonmusical ideas or objects. For example, music can be associated with emotions, themes, or abstract concepts in literature. Therefore, the option "literary" seems to be the most appropriate choice as it reflects the association of music with nonmusical ideas and objects.

In summary, the correct answer is d. literary because music is often associated with nonmusical ideas and objects in literature.