Find the measure of each line segment whose algabraic expressions is given when x= 5 and y=4.

Does that mean I have to label the sides, like if there's an "x" on one side of a rectangle I should substitute a 5? I just need to check on this as there are quite a few questions dealing with this direction.
If I could just get that cleared up that would be so nice.

I have to go offline now, but I just want to tell you thank you SO much for all of your help. I really appreciate it. I understand it so much more. I will probably come back on Jiskha tomorrow to finish up. Thanks again!=)

You are very welcome, Jamie. I enjoyed working with you.

Yes, you are correct. When given algebraic expressions for line segments and specific values for variables like x and y, you substitute those values into the expressions to find the measures of the line segments. Let me explain further with an example:

Let's say you have the algebraic expression for a line segment as "2x + 3y" and you are given x = 5 and y = 4.

To find the measure of this line segment, substitute the values of x and y into the expression:

Substituting x = 5 and y = 4 in "2x + 3y":
= 2(5) + 3(4)
= 10 + 12
= 22

Therefore, when x = 5 and y = 4, the measure of the line segment defined by the algebraic expression "2x + 3y" is 22.

Similarly, for other line segments with algebraic expressions, you would substitute the given values of x and y to find their measures.