Alright. I'm supposed to respond to this, but I'm not really sure how to respond. Here it is:

In one character we see a complex mix of what he is, what he is supposed to be, what he thinks he is, and how he is perceived by others. Trace the way Chaucer achieves this in the setup of the entire Canterbury Tales, and the Pardoner's Prologue and Tale.

I know that's he's a con artist, he knows this but still believes himself to be holy and people still think he's doing good for the church.

OK, break it down a bit:

***he's a con artist,

***he knows this

***but still believes himself to be holy

***and people still think he's doing good for the church.

Now find lines in the Tales in which each of the above four items is made clear. You'll end up with a list of sorts, nothing in paragraphs yet.


To effectively respond to the prompt and analyze Chaucer's portrayal of the Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the entire Canterbury Tales: Start by reading the complete work, paying particular attention to the General Prologue where Chaucer introduces each character. Understanding the context and background information provided by Chaucer is crucial for analyzing the Pardoner's character in detail.

2. Analyze the Pardoner's portrayal: Focus on the General Prologue, the Pardoner's Prologue, and the Pardoner's Tale. Look for specific descriptions, dialogue, and actions that reveal the complexity of the Pardoner's character. Take note of how Chaucer presents the Pardoner's appearance, behavior, beliefs, and interactions with others.

3. Identify what he is: Begin by examining the Pardoner's profession as a pardoner, which involves selling indulgences and pardons to people who committed sins. Explore how this position gives him a significant influence over the religious beliefs and practices of the people.

4. Examine what he is supposed to be: Consider how the Pardoner is expected to be a holy figure, representing the Church and its teachings. Look for passages that reveal the Pardoner's knowledge of scripture and his ability to deliver sermons convincingly. Evaluate how Chaucer portrays the Pardoner's hypocrisy and his deviation from the expected religious norms.

5. Understand what he thinks he is: Explore the Pardoner's mindset and self-perception. Look for instances where he genuinely believes that his dishonest actions are justified in the name of achieving personal gain or benefiting the Church. Analyze the Pardoner's motivation and inner conflict as he grapples with his own corruption.

6. Consider how he is perceived by others: Evaluate how the Pardoner is perceived by the other pilgrims and the audience. Observe their reactions, opinions, and interactions with the Pardoner. Look for instances where the Pardoner's true nature is revealed and contrasted with how others view him.

7. Trace the narrative development: Connect the dots between the character descriptions, dialogues, and interactions throughout the entire Canterbury Tales. Pay attention to the progression of the Pardoner's characterization, from the General Prologue to the Pardoner's Prologue and Tale. Analyze how Chaucer uses literary techniques like irony, satire, and symbolism to enhance the complexity of the Pardoner's portrayal.

8. Organize your response: Once you have gathered evidence from the text and developed a clear understanding of the Pardoner's character, outline your response. Start with an introduction that provides a brief overview of Chaucer's portrayal of the Pardoner. Then, present your analysis in a structured manner, focusing on different aspects such as his profession, societal expectations, self-perception, and others' perception. Use quotations from the text to support your points and ensure a well-supported argument. Finally, conclude your response by summarizing the key points and offering your overall interpretation of Chaucer's portrayal of the Pardoner.

Remember, thorough engagement with the text is crucial to effectively respond to literary prompts. By investigating Chaucer's descriptions, dialogues, and actions, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the Pardoner's complex portrayal in the Canterbury Tales.