How do i find the number of degrees in a point angle...for example {6/2}

To find the number of degrees in a point angle, you need to understand that a point angle is the smallest possible angle.

In this case, you mentioned {6/2}. This notation represents a point angle formed by dividing a full circle into 6 equal parts and considering 2 of those parts.

To determine the number of degrees in a point angle, you divide the total degrees in a full circle (which is 360 degrees) by the number of equal parts the circle is divided into. In this case, the full circle is divided into 6 parts.

So, to find the number of degrees in {6/2}, you would divide 360 degrees by 6, which gives you 60 degrees. Finally, you multiply it by the number of parts, which in this case is 2, resulting in 120 degrees.

Therefore, the number of degrees in the point angle {6/2} is 120 degrees.