
A ship's movements are being tracked on a radar screen. The ship is first seen on point a with coordinates (-5,8)

1. It moves along vector AB represented by the ordered pair (-6,-1)
2. Then it travels along vector BC represented by the ordered pair (4,-3)
3. Finally, it moves along vector CD represented by the ordered pair (2,1)

Determine the final location of the ship on the radar screen.

I graphed them and I don't see a pattern. Can you help?

X location = -5-6+4+2 = -5

Y location = +8-1-3+1 = +5

Of course! To determine the final location of the ship, we can simply add together the coordinates of the starting point and the vectors representing the ship's movements. Let's go step by step.

1. The ship starts at point A with coordinates (-5, 8). It then moves along vector AB represented by the ordered pair (-6, -1). To find the coordinates of point B, we add (-6, -1) to (-5, 8):

(-5, 8) + (-6, -1) = (-5 + (-6), 8 + (-1)) = (-11, 7)

2. The ship is now at point B with coordinates (-11, 7). It then travels along vector BC represented by the ordered pair (4, -3). To find the coordinates of point C, we add (4, -3) to (-11, 7):

(-11, 7) + (4, -3) = (-11 + 4, 7 + (-3)) = (-7, 4)

3. The ship is now at point C with coordinates (-7, 4). It moves along vector CD represented by the ordered pair (2, 1). To find the coordinates of point D, we add (2, 1) to (-7, 4):

(-7, 4) + (2, 1) = (-7 + 2, 4 + 1) = (-5, 5)

Therefore, the final location of the ship on the radar screen is at point D with coordinates (-5, 5).

If you plotted the points correctly on a graph, connecting them with vectors, the ship's final location should be the point where the last vector ends. If you did not see a pattern, double-check your calculations or the plotting of the points and vectors on the graph.