What number is 100,000 greater than 99,999,999? In which places did the digits change?

write 10 multiples of 9

What number is 100,000 greater than 99,999,999? it just means that u hv to add 100,000 to 99,999,999 which is 10099999

+ 100000

In which places did the digits change?

This one you figure it out...i am not telling u everything

what is 4a+3-9=24

You can simplify the lefthand side as
4a - 6 = 24
Now add 6 to both sides to get eliminate the term on the lefthand side, then divide by the coefficient of a to finish it.

To solve the equation 4a + 3 - 9 = 24, we need to simplify the left-hand side first.

Combine like terms:
4a - 6 = 24

Next, isolate the variable 'a' by getting rid of the constant term '6' on the left-hand side.

Add 6 to both sides of the equation:
4a = 30

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of 'a', which is 4, to solve for 'a':
a = 30/4 = 7.5