Marlon has 4 baseball cards, Jake has 4 baseball cards, and Sam has 3 baseball cards. Can you write a multiplication sentence to find how many baseball cards they have altogether? Explain.

You have to add the numbers.

You could multiply 4 by 2, since two people have four cards, and then add 3 to the result.


Im in 2nd grade but ithink the answer is 4×2+3×1 because there are 2 people who have 4 cards each so that makes4×2 and3×1 becauseonly one person has 3 cards

To find out how many baseball cards Marlon, Jake, and Sam have altogether, you can use multiplication as follows:

First, find out how many baseball cards Marlon has, which is 4.
Next, find out how many baseball cards Jake has, which is also 4.
Finally, find out how many baseball cards Sam has, which is 3.

To calculate the total number of baseball cards, multiply the number of cards Marlon has (4) by the number of cards Jake has (4) and the number of cards Sam has (3).

So, the multiplication sentence to find how many baseball cards they have altogether is:

4 x 4 x 3 = ______ (the result will be the total number of baseball cards they have altogether)

Now, to calculate the answer, you can multiply the numbers:

4 x 4 = 16
16 x 3 = 48

Therefore, Marlon, Jake, and Sam have a total of 48 baseball cards altogether.