Bronze cocnsists of 6 parts tin to 19 parts cooper. How amny pounds of tin are there in a 500 lb. bronze statue? What is the formula for getting the answer?

6/19 = 0.316 = 31.6%

500 * 0.316 = ???

To determine the weight of tin in a bronze statue, you need to use the given ratio of tin to copper. In this case, the ratio is 6 parts tin to 19 parts copper.

To find the weight of tin in a 500 lb. bronze statue, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio.
Total parts = tin parts + copper parts = 6 + 19 = 25 parts

Step 2: Determine the weight of tin per part.
Tin weight per part = Total weight / Total parts = 500 lb / 25 parts = 20 lb/part

Step 3: Calculate the weight of tin in the bronze statue.
Tin weight = Tin weight per part × Number of tin parts
= 20 lb/part × 6 parts = 120 lb

Therefore, there are 120 pounds of tin in a 500-pound bronze statue.

The general formula to calculate the weight of a component (in this case, tin) in a mixture (in this case, bronze) is:
Component weight = (Total weight / Total parts) × Number of component parts

You can apply this formula to various scenarios where you need to find the weight or quantity of a specific component in a given mixture.