Can you check these sentences,please?

1) It was too bad you couldn't go skiing with your boyfriend
2)I decorated the Christmas tree with lights, angels, bells, snowmen, ribbon, stars and baubles.
3) Antony succeeds in stirring the crowd against Brutus
4 I reiceved a golf club from my parents for Christmas
5) I took the washing out of the washing machine and I hung it on the washing line to dry

Remember -- proper end punctuation -- usually a period.

1 is OK.

2 is OK.

3 -- I'd add "up" after "stirring."

4 is OK -- watch the spelling of "received" (one of the hardest words in Englishy, I think!).

5. Rephrase to get rid of repetition: I took the laundry out of the washing machine, and I hung it on the clothes line to dry.

Sure, I can help you check these sentences. Here are the corrections:

1) It was unfortunate that you couldn't go skiing with your boyfriend.
2) I decorated the Christmas tree with lights, angels, bells, snowmen, ribbon, stars, and baubles.
3) Antony succeeded in stirring the crowd against Brutus.
4) I received a golf club from my parents for Christmas.
5) I took the laundry out of the washing machine and hung it on the clothesline to dry.

To check these sentences on your own, you can follow these steps:
1) Read each sentence and check if it conveys the intended meaning. If you feel there is something wrong or unclear, move to the next step.
2) Look for any grammatical errors, such as misspellings, incorrect verb forms, or incorrect word order. Make sure to follow the rules of punctuation, capitalization, and tenses.
3) Check for any missing or unnecessary words. Revise the sentence to ensure it is clear and concise.
4) Read the revised sentences again to make sure they sound natural and convey the intended meaning accurately.