What strange tade took place in North and West Africa?

To find information about strange trade practices in North and West Africa, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a general search on the internet. Open a search engine like Google or Bing.
2. Enter relevant keywords such as "strange trade practices in North and West Africa" or "unusual trading traditions in North and West Africa." This will help you find specific articles, books, or research papers related to the topic.
3. Explore the search results and click on any reliable sources that seem relevant to your query. Look for articles from reputable websites, academic papers, or reports from trusted organizations.
4. Once you have access to a reliable source, read through the content to gather information about strange trade practices in North and West Africa. Look for specific examples, historical context, or unique customs that were prevalent in the region.
5. Take note of any interesting trade practices or traditions, such as barter systems, unique goods, unusual marketplaces, or ancient trade routes. Compile the information as you go along.
6. Consider exploring multiple sources to get a comprehensive view of the topic and cross-reference the information you find.
7. Finally, organize and summarize the information you collected to answer the question about the strange trade practices in North and West Africa.

Remember, the specific strange trade practices will depend on the time period and region being referred to. Conducting thorough research will help you find the most accurate and up-to-date information.