
I coreccted my homework and tomorrow I have to give a homework wich is written in a perfectenglish

Please correct my mistakes.
I don't have to do mistakes because when I will go to N-y I will be ridiulous

President Obama had a controversial first year: 30 000 additonal soldiers were sent out to Afghanistan and after that he received the Nobel Peace Prize . I thought that it was important to know if the leading measure of Obama campaign could suffer a setback . That's why,I was interested by a NYTimes article dated 24/12/09 which deals with the health care bill.
In effect, this morning the health care bill was voted 60-39 at Senate . Since Theodore Roosvelt seven presidents unsuccessfully try to reform the nation's health care system: a historic moment .
In fact, there are Medicaid for the poorests and Medicare for the eld-erly (without social condition) and disabled people . President Obama put a lot of billes though the Senate and House (voted last month) he declared being willing to help them work out their deifferences (for example)
In the Senate,none of the Republicans voted "aye" .They find their argument in the new taxes and fees due to the cost the cost over 1,000 billion . For example the bill plans to increase the wealth tax by 5,4% . Only ,[those who have the means]]can afford a coverage in USA. Every year millions of people are ruined or they receive bad treatment, so . On top of that, competition could prevent insurance companies from charging fees. That's why I think it's just an opportunity for the "reconstruction" of Republicans after the failure of the presidential election. However they're supported by conservatives who think that the redistibution is opposite to the American ideal of "responsibility":the money that we earn doesn't have beeing spent by others. Selfishness hides behind that value. The Amerian people is undergoing a great injustice.

That's why,I was interested = drop the comma

try to reform = tried

for the poorests = poorest

social condition??? Do you mean Social Security?

lot of billes = bills

he declared being = He declared (new sentence)

deifferences = differences (spelling0

to the cost the cost over 1,000 billion . = remove one of "the cost"

Don't end the sentence with "so." You could begin the next one with "So,..."

doesn't have beeing spent b= = doesn't hav to be spent

The American people ARE...


Can you PLEASE correct me that sentences

1/-Every year millions of people receive bad treatments or they sometimes are ruined

I said in the text that between House&Senate there are differences for example
2/-the new's system management (I'm sure it's false but I didn't arrive to correct me

THANKS for your corrections Sra

Here are the corrections to your passage:

"I don't have to make mistakes because when I go to NYC, I will look ridiculous.

President Obama had a controversial first year: 30,000 additional soldiers were sent to Afghanistan, and after that, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. I thought it was important to know if Obama's leading measure of his campaign could suffer a setback. That's why I was interested in an NYTimes article dated 24/12/09, which deals with the health care bill.

In fact, this morning the health care bill was voted 60-39 in the Senate. Since Theodore Roosevelt, seven presidents have unsuccessfully tried to reform the nation's health care system, making it a historic moment.

Currently, there is Medicaid for the poorest and Medicare for the elderly and disabled people (without social conditions). President Obama put forth a lot of bills through the Senate and House, which were voted on last month. He declared being willing to help them work out their differences.

In the Senate, none of the Republicans voted "aye." They find their argument in the new taxes and fees due to the cost of over 1,000 billion. For example, the bill plans to increase the wealth tax by 5.4%. Only those who have the means can afford coverage in the USA. Every year, millions of people are financially ruined or receive bad treatment. On top of that, competition could prevent insurance companies from charging high fees. That's why I think it's just an opportunity for the "reconstruction" of Republicans after the failure of the presidential election. However, they're supported by conservatives who believe that redistribution is contrary to the American ideal of "responsibility" – the money we earn shouldn't be spent by others. Selfishness hides behind that value. The American people are undergoing a great injustice."

To ensure your writing is in perfect English, consider the following tips:

1. Proofread your work: Always review your writing for mistakes and make necessary corrections.
2. Grammar and punctuation: Pay attention to the rules of grammar and use proper punctuation.
3. Sentence structure: Make sure your sentences are clear and concise. Avoid run-on sentences.
4. Vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary to enhance your writing.
5. Read and analyze English literature and articles: Reading English texts can improve your understanding of proper grammar and sentence structuring.
6. Seek feedback: Ask someone proficient in English to proofread your work and offer suggestions for improvement.