I have to analyze a statistical research paper and have never done so. How do I analyze statistical data and where do I find sources to support my analysis?

Hi Katie I know you probably have done the paper by now because It is 7 years later lol but Im not Sure

Planning enquiry

Collection of data
Preparation of report
Analysis of data and interpretion of result

Analyzing statistical data requires a structured approach and utilizing reliable sources to support your analysis. Here are the steps you can follow and some sources you can consider:

1. Understand the research paper: Read the research paper thoroughly to gain a clear understanding of the study's objectives, hypothesis, methodology, and findings. This will provide context for your analysis.

2. Identify the data: Determine the type of data used in the study. It could be numerical (quantitative) or non-numerical (qualitative). Identify the variables measured and their scales of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).

3. Examine descriptive statistics: Look for summary statistics such as means, medians, standard deviations, etc. These can help you understand the central tendencies and variabilities of the data.

4. Evaluate inferential statistics: Identify the statistical tests and analyses used in the research. Analyze the significance level (alpha) and p-values to determine the statistical significance of the study's findings.

5. Critically assess the results: Interpret the statistical results and their implications. Consider the effect sizes, confidence intervals, and practical significance of the findings. Think about the limitations and potential biases in the study.

6. Use reliable sources to support your analysis: To enhance the credibility of your analysis, refer to reputable sources that bolster your interpretations. Some potential sources include:

- Academic journals and research papers: Look for studies related to the topic of interest from reputable journals in your field. Use citation databases like Google Scholar or library databases to find relevant articles.
- Books and textbooks: Consult textbooks or reference books that provide background information on the statistical methods employed in the study.
- Statistical agencies and organizations: National statistical agencies and professional organizations often provide reliable data and reports that can support your analysis.
- Online databases: Explore online repositories such as data.gov, OECD Statistics, or World Bank Open Data to find publicly available datasets and reports.
- Expert opinions and literature reviews: Seek out expert opinions or literature reviews from trusted scholars who have previously analyzed similar research.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility, relevance, and currency of your sources before incorporating them into your analysis.