Seventeen year old boy, Alex is the main character of novel. Alex comes from school and find out his father in study. He saw his father talking on phone. His father Ted Jackson,is a cameraman of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is a risk-taker with a childlike personality. When he was done with phone, he said to Alex , he has assignment in China. Then he asked to Alex to come with him. He went with his father to china. Before went to Beijing, he has interest in military history and he made many clay soldiers at his own home. He simply likes Chinese military .

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Sure, I can help you with that! Here's a corrected version of your paragraph:

Seventeen-year-old boy Alex is the main character of the novel. One day, after coming home from school, Alex discovers his father, Ted Jackson, in his study, talking on the phone. Ted is a risk-taking individual with a childlike personality and works as a cameraman for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. After finishing his call, Ted informs Alex that he has an assignment in China and invites him to come along. Excited about the opportunity, Alex joins his father on the trip to Beijing. Prior to their departure, Alex had developed an interest in military history and had even made several clay soldiers himself. He has a genuine fascination with Chinese military culture.