In the short story, Grandma Weavers Last Arrow, what is the Last Arrow?

In order to determine what the "Last Arrow" refers to in the short story "Grandma Weaver's Last Arrow," we need to analyze the story itself.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the short story: Begin by reading or reviewing the short story, "Grandma Weaver's Last Arrow." Pay close attention to any details or conversations that mention the Last Arrow.

2. Identify key characters and events: While reading the story, take note of the main characters and any events related to the Last Arrow. Look for any significant moments or discussions surrounding this topic.

3. Analyze the story context: Consider the context of the story and its themes. Try to identify any symbolic or metaphorical elements that may shed light on the Last Arrow's meaning. Think about the overall message or lesson the author might be conveying.

4. Interpretation and conclusion: Based on your analysis of the story, draw your own interpretation regarding the Last Arrow. Consider the characters' motivations and actions related to the Last Arrow. Think about the resolution or climax of the story and how it relates to this concept.

By closely examining the text, characters, and overall context, you should be able to determine what the Last Arrow symbolizes in "Grandma Weaver's Last Arrow."