'Make a list of possible conflicts or dramatic situations for a narrative. You have an open feild, the narrative can be about anything! These might be internal or external conflicts and they can be personal to your or not.'

Any suggestions?


Here is a very short story of Poe's -- only 6 paragraphs long:


What do you see in here?

I gave you the three basic types of conflicts the other day : man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. himself.

There are in infinite number of conflicts that you can think of regarding these. For instance right now in most of the country there are instances of Man vs Nature. When you and your sister have a "difference of opinion" - what is that an example of?

Certainly! When brainstorming possible conflicts or dramatic situations for a narrative, it can help to think about different types of conflicts. This can include both internal and external conflicts, as well as conflicts that are personal to you or more universal. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Internal Conflict:
- The struggle between a character's duty and desire
- Battling with self-doubt or trying to overcome a personal fear
- A character torn between loyalty to family and personal aspirations

2. External Conflict:
- A character facing a life-threatening physical challenge, such as surviving in a post-apocalyptic world or exploring uncharted territory
- An escalating feud or rivalry between two individuals, families, or groups
- Social or cultural clashes, such as a clash between different generations, races, or ideologies

3. Personal Conflict:
- Dealing with the consequences of a morally ambiguous decision
- The tension between personal ambition and maintaining meaningful relationships
- Struggling with the pressure to conform to societal expectations

Remember, these are just examples, and you can adapt or modify them to suit the narrative you have in mind. When crafting conflicts, think about the motivations, goals, and obstacles your characters might encounter, and how they will have to resolve or cope with these conflicts throughout the story.