
what is u

Can you take it from here?

so I would have combine like terms then add right?

what about 3(n-2)-2(3-n)=4(n-3)

same thing...use distributive property to multiply, do the operations, solve for n
give it a try...

u could be "any" number. Since you don't know its value, just multiply by it, like this...(remember the distributive property). First one side of equal, then the other...
3x4u - 3x6 = (2x4u - 2x3) -u +8 (last part is because -x+ is - and -x- is +...but you know that, right) Now do the math
3x4u= 12u (see how it works?) Now try...

i still don't understand how to find the value of u

you would have to do the math operations for each side of the equation.

12u - 18 = 8u -6 -u +8
Now put the similar terms together on one side and solve for u, like this
12u - 8u +u = 18 +8 -6 Now try and went you get to the part where a number multiplies U = a number, divide the number by coefficient of U...follow me?

3/4(12u-8) in distributive property


To find the value of "u" in the equation 12u - 18 = 8u - 6 - u + 8, let's simplify it step by step.

First, combine like terms on each side of the equation. On the left side, we have 12u, and on the right side, we have 8u - u = 7u. And on the right side, we have -18 - 6 + 8 = -16.

Now, our equation becomes:

12u - 16 = 7u

To isolate the variable "u" on one side, we need to get rid of the 7u term on the right side. We can do this by subtracting 7u from both sides:

12u - 7u - 16 = 7u - 7u

This simplifies to:

5u - 16 = 0

Next, we want to move the constant term (-16) to the other side, so we add 16 to both sides:

5u - 16 + 16 = 0 + 16

This gives us:

5u = 16

Finally, to solve for "u," we divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of "u," which is 5:

(5u)/5 = 16/5

The "5" cancels out on the left side, leaving us with:

u = 16/5

So, the value of "u" is 16/5 or 3.2.