Major artistic achievements in the 17th century were seen in

A. France
B. Spain
C. Germany
D. England

My book is really no help on this question at all... I figured it would be in the Netherlands.

My guess would be B. Help please? :]

Too bad there's not an "all of the above" among your answer choices!

Mostly, I would say D, but there was also major development during that time in France and Spain, too.

I agree! All of the above would have been the best answer.

Thank you very much for your help~ :D

To determine the major artistic achievements in the 17th century, we can look at the historical context and specific artistic movements during that time period.

In France, the 17th century was known as the "Grand Siècle" or the "Age of Louis XIV." French Baroque art flourished during this time, with artists such as Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain making significant contributions to painting.

In Spain, the 17th century was the Golden Age of Spanish art, often referred to as the "Siglo de Oro." This period saw the rise of prominent artists like Diego Velázquez, known for his realistic and emotional portraits, and Francisco de Zurbarán, famous for his religious paintings.

In Germany, the 17th century was marked by the Baroque style, but it did not produce many major artistic achievements compared to other countries.

In England, the 17th century was characterized by the English Renaissance and the Jacobean era. This period saw the emergence of notable writers like William Shakespeare, who made significant contributions to literature. However, in terms of visual arts, England did not experience as significant artistic achievements compared to France and Spain.

The Netherlands, specifically the Dutch Republic, also known as the Dutch Golden Age, was indeed a site of major artistic achievements in the 17th century. The Dutch School of painting, with artists such as Rembrandt van Rijn and Johannes Vermeer, made significant contributions to the art world during this period.

Based on the information provided, it would be more accurate to say that the major artistic achievements in the 17th century were seen in France, Spain, and the Netherlands (in addition to Italy, which is not listed as an option).

Considering this, option A (France) and option B (Spain) would be the more appropriate choices. Given the information provided, it would be reasonable to select option B (Spain) as the answer to the question.