1. Kimchi is rich in vitamins and low in calories.

(In this sentence, what is the meaning of the preposition "in"? )

2. Kimchi is chosen as one of the world's five helthiest foods.
(What is the active voice form of this passive voice sentence?)

#1 the prepositional phrase modifies "low"

To make the sentence active voice -
Experts have chosen kimchi as one of the world's healthiest foods.

1. In this sentence, the preposition "in" is used to indicate the content or composition of something. It tells us that kimchi contains vitamins and has a low amount of calories.

To determine the meaning of a preposition, it can be helpful to look at the context of the sentence. Here, "in" is used to describe the properties or components that are present in kimchi.

2. The active voice form of the given passive voice sentence "Kimchi is chosen as one of the world's five healthiest foods" would be "They choose kimchi as one of the world's five healthiest foods."

To convert a sentence from passive voice to active voice, you need to identify the subject of the passive sentence and make it the subject of the active sentence. Then, find the verb in its passive form and change it to an active form, typically by using the appropriate subject-verb combination.

In this case, "Kimchi" becomes the subject in the active voice sentence, and the verb "chosen" is changed to "choose" to match the subject "They."