Can you let me know if this is correct

|a+2 3z+1 5m|
|4k 0 3|


|3a 2z 5m|
|2k 5 6|


|10 -14 80|
|10 5 9|

can you let me know if these answers are right.

z= -14
k =10 or is this 5/3

The first two are not correct.

m=8 is correct, and k=5/3 is correct.

For first row, first column,
a+2 + 3a = 10
solve for a

for the second,
use A12+B12=C12
3z+1 + 2z = -14
solve for z.

z = -3
check: 3(-3)+1 + 2(-3) = -14 checks.

Can you tell me I'm new at this but where for 3z+1+2z=-14 Where did the

-14 come from. I did finally get two right but still do not know mentally how I even got there.

It would be easier to see it visually:

|a+2 3z+1 5m|
|4k 0 3|


|3a 2z 5m|
|2k 5 6|


|10 -14 80|
|10 5 9|

So we are working with element located on row 1 and column 2 of each matrix.
Since the matrix equation is A+B=C, so we add the first two highlighted elements together and equate the sum to the third element, giving:
3z+1 + 2z = -14

To check if the given matrix addition is correct and to find the values of variables a, z, m, and k, we need to compare the corresponding elements on both sides of the equation.

On the left side of the equation, we have:

|a+2 3z+1 5m|
|4k 0 3|

On the right side of the equation, we have:

|10 -14 80|
|10 5 9|

Comparing the elements, we can set up the following equations:

a + 2 = 10 (1)
3z + 1 = -14 (2)
5m = 80 (3)
4k = 10 or 5/3 (4)

From equation (1), we can solve for 'a':
a + 2 = 10
a = 10 - 2
a = 8

From equation (2), we can solve for 'z':
3z + 1 = -14
3z = -14 - 1
3z = -15
z = -15 / 3
z = -5

From equation (3), we can solve for 'm':
5m = 80
m = 80 / 5
m = 16

From equation (4), we can solve for 'k':
4k = 10 or 5/3

If 4k = 10:
k = 10 / 4
k = 2.5

If 4k = 5/3:
k = (5/3) / 4
k = 5/12

So, based on the given matrix equation and the calculations, the correct values are:
a = 8
z = -5
m = 16
k = 2.5 or 5/12

Please double-check the calculations to ensure accuracy.